Tuesday, March 18, 2014

*Original* "It's here..."

The following are stories of which have been told through witnesses claiming to have seen an unknown entity that people today have learned to call "Slender-Man." The following are two of the more known letters written.

December 17, 1872 ~ "I have seen the devil's right hand; appearing to be as tall as a house, and having a face without the features. No eyes, no ears, no mouth, no face... It is coming to haunt me and my family, and I cannot partake any action against it. For the safety of my family, I have moved them far away from our home, and i now live alone to draw the beast away. This will be my last message to my family. Celeste, if you are reading this, I love you. Please keep the kids safe. "

January 4, 1953 ~ "Please Lord forgive me, for I have sinned. I know my adultery has caused you to send this creature for me. He has stalking me as a lion stalks a gazelle. I am no longer safe; I beg of you Lord, to keep me safe from this creature; that tall, faceless creature... I see him... He is staring at me... I write about it now before he comes to kill me. I wish i could say goodbye, but unfortunately, I do not get that luxury...
The longer I look, the more i feel like he is in my head... I cannot look away, however, for if I do, he will surely kill me... This is my last letter... Goodbye...

In recent years we have not come across any other letters written about this creature. We do however, believe that it is still actively killing. We will update as soon as another sighting is found. 

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